About Me

My blog is pretty anonymous.  I don't have many details on it so I can write whole-heartedly.  I do find that when it comes to finances I don't want people I know (except my husband) to know my business.  I have discovered the blogosphere is amazingly supportive and motivating.  You all have helped me to make drastic life changes and improvements.  Changes I would have been afraid to do.  I feel when I mess up you are all there for support and encouragement.  It's amazing.  So I feel there's some details you should know about me.  I will still remain kind of anonymous but here's some details.

  • my real name is not Suna.....it's Kelly
  • I am 25% mexican but I never claim it on those ethnic questions because I don't identify with mexican's at all except I eat a lot of tortillas.
  • I am crazy in love with my husband and we are happily married after 9 years. 
  • I have discovered blogs in the last 2 years and I'm completely addicted to them.  I have several under many different alias'
  • I can't stand arrogant people and I love the saying "The more you talk the more you reveal to others what you don't know"
  • I cannot hide it if I don't like someone
  • I can hold an amazingly long grudge.
  • I am not friends with people that cheat on their spouses.  If they cannot be trusted as a spouse they cannot be trusted as a friend. 
  • I am honest and transparent when it comes to doing the right thing.
  • Despite my efforts to minimize my cussing.  I'm failing everyday.
  • I absolutely love my dogs. 
  • I love to ride horses but not to gallop or run while riding my horse....none of my riding friends know this.
  • I stopped drinking pop almost 2 months ago.  I cheat occasionally but it's not very rewarding.
  • I only drink alcohol maybe twice a year.  I don't smoke and I've never done drugs....I'm pretty boring.