Sunday, April 24, 2011

my first attempt at coupons

Last night I attempted my first shopping trip with coupons.  I went to my local Kroger store (Dillons) and I had numerous digital coupons loaded onto my shopper card.  I was quite excited to use my coupon for Tide laundry detergent.  I was shopping looking at the detergent, checking out my options.  I have always used liquid detergent and decided to be shoppy and checked out the powder....what have I been missing!!!  It was much much cheaper it was 120 loads for $17.96 versus 96 loads for $17.96.  So I purchased the powder detergent only to discover when I got home my coupon was only for liquid detergent.
My first attempt to use coupons foiled by liquid versus powder.
Oh well.  I will be happy I did get $2 by using my shopper card and by switching to powder I'm getting much more loads for my dollar. 
I did manage to stick to my grocery list last night and didn't get a few things until I could check for coupons today. 
It's it will be my first day of getting the Sunday paper and clipping coupons.  WAHOO

I'm quite proud of myself because I did stick to my list and for me that is really hard.  We had "food day" at work today since it was Easter.  Food day is normally an expensive endeavor for food I'm not particularly fond of so I try to avoid partaking.  I did volunteer to bring a dessert and while I was at Dillons they had cake mix for $1 and frosting for $1.50  so my contribution to food day was only $2.50!!!! Wahoo!!

I'm making slow progress but it's progress!!

On a second note.....I guess I won't spend my money to get the Sunday paper because it says there are not coupons on a holiday Sunday paper....Argh....attempts at couponing spoiled again!


  1. I think you did really well. Any progress is progress! Food budget is a big battle for me. It's hard to keep it down, but keep trying! I'm looking forward to watching your progress.


  2. Hi. I just wanted to let you know I changed by blog address and title. Sorry for the confusion. Thanks! Little Lamb
